Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Harry Harris Park! 2 miles north on Ocean Side!

Harry Harris Park Beach

This Tavernier Beach is inside the Monroe County's Harry Harris park. This is another man-made beach on the Atlantic Ocean. There is a wide expanse of white sand with a number of covered picnic tables and a bath house.

Directions: Mile Marker 92.5 oceanside, Overseas Highway. Take Burton Drive to its end. Includes: Ball park, playground and bike path.
Features: Covered Pavilion, Restrooms, Showers, Boat Ramp, Grills and Picnic Tables.

Park Hours: Sunrise to Sunset.

Park Fees: For Non-County Residents only, on Saturday, Sunday and Federal Holidays, $5 per person over 16 years of age.

The beach is protected from wave action and large fish by a coral rock barrier.

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